Strike solidarity: 5 second action to support workers!

Dear members, 


Next Tuesday, your fellow Fórsa members working in the community and voluntary sector, providing vital services from disability support, to residential care, and many community health services, are starting indefinite strikes, joined by SIPTU and INMO members.


Take 5 seconds to post out this ready-made tweet to support them.


You can also like/ share this Facebook post or this instagram one.


They don't want to go on strike but they've no choice. Years and years of pay inequality mean that these frontline services are collapsing, staff are forced to leave jobs they love, and they can’t find new people to replace them.  


The issue is that the government is relying on these organisations to carry out these services on behalf of the state but is refusing to fund them fairly. HSE employees doing the same work are paid up to 10% more, often working side by side in the same building.


Listen to our member Ellie Horgan talk about the impact this crisis is having:



Time is running out to avoid this strike. So please tweet out your support for the workers, show politicians that people care, and say enough is enough. We need to save these services! We need to support the workers! Read more about the strike here and here. 


In solidarity,  


Ashley Connolly, 

Head of Health & Welfare  

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