Election a go for BoJo?
by Craig Whelan

Morning all,


It is my sad duty to report that the Brits are, in fact, at it again. (By 'at it' I mean the polls).

The BBC reports that Boris Johnson is to call a general election for October 14 if his government is defeated today by MPs attempting to prevent a no-deal Brexit on October 31st. Doing his best Theresa May impression outside Downing Street, the Prime Minister yesterday said that the UK will be leaving the European Union on October 31st "no ifs or buts", and accused Parliament of trying to undercut the UK's negotiating position.

"Please do not waste this time" were the wise words of Donald Tusk in April ...


Also attempting to stop a no-deal crash-out is the Brits Not Out movement, who are protesting the Johnson Government's Brexit policies today at 6pm outside the British Embassy in Ballsbridge. Do join them if you can!


Here's a look at this morning's front pages 



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