Fórsa members can save a lot of money with our enhanced package of financial benefits provided or negotiated by the union. Some of the deals are free to all Fórsa members. Others are optional benefits, available only to Fórsa members, which can mean savings on insurance, salary protection, additional pension coverage and more.
€5,000 in personal accident cover
€5,000 critical illness cover or death benefit. Spouses are also covered under this scheme
From 2 January 2019 a €5,000 illness benefit will be available to members if you are out of work for more than 12 months
For members who are seriously ill, injured, or pass away while abroad, Fórsa will cover evacuation or repatriation expenses up to the value of €250,000
Your Fórsa bulletin is produced by the Fórsa Communications Unit, with input from across the union. We welcome your comments and suggestions for stories to cover.
The launch of the Fórsa Women’s Activist Network will take place on Saturday 3rd November at 11am at Fórsa's Nerney's Court Office. This new Equality Network will provide a forum for members across the union to meet and discuss issues relevant to women in the workplace.