Strike for Section 39s
by Mark Corcoran

Fórsa is to hold a ballot for indefinite strike action in a number of community and voluntary sector Section 39 agencies. As reported by the Irish Independent, hundreds of health and care staff in HSE-funded agencies providing services to people with disabilities, mental health problems, as well as domestic and sexual violence supports have got the backing of their union for “indefinite strike” over pay. Kevin Callinan is quoted saying: 


“The union’s executive has backed the decision to identify a number of these employments and to organise indefinite strike action to highlight this ongoing pay inequality, which simply cannot be sustained.


“Up to a third of experienced professional health and care staff are leaving their jobs in these agencies every year to take up better remunerated employment with the HSE and elsewhere.


“We will ballot for indefinite industrial action in a number of employments, and Fórsa will foot the wage costs of those staff who go on strike. Services will simply be brought to a halt. At this stage, no other course of action will drive the point home.”



Unpublished research by the Housing Commission says Ireland may need up to 62,000 homes built per year until 2050 to meet demand – almost double the annual target in the Government’s master plan for this decade.


IBM and German software firm SAP plan to cut close to 7,000 jobs globally, in the latest round of tech sector lay-offs. The reductions will amount to a “ballpark figure of 3,900,” chief financial officer James Kavanaugh said on Wednesday.


Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy has urged allies to provide large quantities of tanks quickly after the United States and Germany announced plans to arm Ukraine with dozens of tanks. In his nightly address on Wednesday, Mr Zelenskiy said: “Today is a day of extremely good news for Ukraine. There is a tank coalition. There is a decision to launch the supply of tanks for our defence – modern tanks. 




For those with an interest in golf, footage has emerged of American Patrick Reed throwing a tee at Rory McIlroy. The two are at each others throats since Rory publically shamed Patrick Reed for his involvement in the LIV golf series. Patrick subsequently brought a lawsuit against McIlroy for deffamation. You can watch the video HERE.

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