'Full-scale invasion'
by Mark Corcoran

This morning Fórsa are set to launch a major new report on The Irish State Post-Pandemic. The launch will be streamed live on our youtube channel which can be found by clicking here. Fórsa Kevin Callinan was due to speak on Morning Ireland but was dropped due to the invasion of Ukraine.


Russia President Vladimir Putin has authorised a 'specialised military operation' launching airstrikes and cyber-attacks in Ukraine. He lauched the attack live on television this morning saying the move was in response to threats from Ukraine.


Ukraine's foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba said that: "Peaceful Ukranian cities are under strike" and that "Ukraine will defend itself and will win, the world can and must stop Putin. The time to act is now."


US President Joe Biden said the world would "hold Russia accountable" and that the US and its allies would respond in a united and decisive way. Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney has condemned the attack on Ukraine saying: "Our thoughts and prayers are with the innocent people of Ukraine. Make no mistake, this is a shocking murderous act of aggression against a sovereign peaceful state. We utterly condemn Russia for this act of unjustifiable war in the heart of Europe."


In other news a new report today reveals that pandemic savings are playing a huge role in pushing up house prices, with an additional €1bn pumped into property purchases.


Families could save in the region of €60 on their electricity bills. According to senior Government sources the public service obligation (PSO) levy on electricity is to be all but abolished next year. 


Dozens of doctors have urged the Government to quickly settle terms for the new National Maternity Hospital, saying “misinformation” over the site’s ownership is “derailing” the project.



Our hopes and prayers are with Ukraine this morning. This Zen needs no introduction.

John Lennon-Imagine





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