Wild Things
by Niall Shanahan

In the Irish Examiner, it's reported that Fórsa is pursuing an outstanding pay award for senior HSE staff. The paper leads with a report that widows, whose deceased husbands worked for the HSE, are receiving a lower pension due to the outstanding claim. 


Elsewhere, the Irish Times reports that an “unprecedented” shortfall of more than 800 vacant teaching posts across primary classes is undermining the education of pupils with the greatest needs, according to a survey of more than 1,000 schools. 


With the terms of reference for a Covid inquiry set to go to Cabinet shortly, the Taoiseach is saying the benefits of the final lockdown phase (in December 2021) may have been outweighed by its costs


Meanwhile, the lawyers continue to prosper as RTÉ has spent nearly €75,000 appealing findings against it around bogus self-employment cases, while the housing minister has said there can be no “cliff-edge” to supports for Ukrainian refugees and assistance should remain in place for those who need it.




Your Zen moment this morning is a review of Liz Bonnin's (pictured above) new wildlife programme on BBC, in which Ed Power marks her out as the successor to David Attenborough's weighty legacy as a broadcaster. Unfortunately I couldn't find a clip of her new show, so this one will have to suffice.


Have a great week.





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