I've seen that face before
by Niall Shanahan

Fianna Fáil TD Willie O'Dea has said he won't be going abroad for his summer holidays due to concerns over air safety. His comments follow last week's presentation by IALPA to the Oireachtas Committee for Employment and Social Protection on the issue of bogus self-emplyment.


In related news, the Sunday Business Post carried an opinion piece by Deliveroo founder Will Shu, who has his say on how Irish employment law should respond to the needs of the growing number of on-demand workers in the 'gig economy'. Essentially he's arguing for the law to be more flexible about how we define an employee. Judge for yourself, but it reads a bit like a fox advocating for the residents of a chicken shed.


Elsewhere, the Sunday Business Post had a report on a bitter inter-union dispute in the Irish film Industry.


Speculation about the next budget has begun in earnest (expect more of this to fill the pages in the quiter monthst of July and August) as Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe's next budget is "all but certain" to be based on a disorderly Brexit, according to his ministerial colleagues / Kevin Doyle in the Indo.


In the Sindo Dan O'Brien foresees problems arising from a Brexit-led downturn, and adds "Perhaps voters are happy to run the risks of pushing existing budgetary rules to the limit and beyond. Make the most of the party and endure the hangover - if it comes to that - may be how we want our economy to be managed." Meanwhile, The Central Bank has warned UK financial services firms and banks that providing unauthorised financial services to Irish residents after a no-deal Brexit would be a criminal offence.


Stories of note this morning include news that Russian operatives are suspected of spreading fake news about Northern Ireland, and plans to create a new technological university for the Munster area have suffered a major setback after an international panel raised concerns over the financial viability of the application.


Your Zen this morning comes from the legendary Grace Jones. I watched her concert/documentary film, Bloodlight and Bami, over the weekend. A welcome reminder of the genius of this powerful, ageless, one-of-a-kind performer. The live sequences, recorded in Dublin's Olympia theatre, look and sound incredible. I'll leave you with a personal favourite from her back catalogue.


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