Raglan Road finale
by Niall Shanahan

The closing panel debate - Recruitment and organising: no future of work without the trade union! – takes place at 10:30hrs and will be chaired by Anton Leppik of the Pan European Regional Council.


The closing ceremony will commence at 12:00hrs and will be immediately followed by a meeting of the newly elected EPSU Executive Committee.


Your Congress Guide is available here and the conference agenda is available here.


Follow all the conference news, images and updates on Twitter at #EPSUcongress19


Paddy Cole of SIPTU was dancing last night too, but he still had time to edit and publish this video report from yesterday's Congress:





Friday 7th June: News headlines

  • Here's a look at today's Irish and UK newspaper front pages, which is dominated by this week's D-Day 75th anniversary celebrations and the US Presidential visit.
  • EPSU news: Public Services unions from across Europe have vowed to redouble their efforts to fight for gender equality, solidarity with refugees and good jobs for all. Read more HERE.
  • EPSU Congress - young workers network takes centre stage - EPSU newsletter 5th June.
  • Polling for Kazakhstan’s presidential election on Sunday (9th June) shows that the country’s President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev is likely to receive 72.9% of the vote
  • In the UK, Labour has held on to the marginal seat of Peterborough, defying expectations that Nigel Farage's Brexit Party could take a seat in the House of Commons.

Dublin's fair city


On Raglan Road


Raglan Road in Ballsbridge is located a very short distance from our Congress venue and was made famous by the poem On Raglan Road by Irish poet Patrick Kavanagh.


The poem was first published in 1946 and later set to the music of the traditional Irish song The Dawning of the Day by singer Luke Kelly of The Dubliners in 1964.


The Dubliners recording of Raglan Road was first released in 1971, and remains a firm favourite.


Last weekend it was voted Ireland’s favourite folk song.


The song continues to be performed and recorded by a huge number of accomplished artists. The definitive version is sung here by Luke Kelly.


We sincerely hope you've enjoyed your visit to Dublin this week. Have a great last day at conference and have a safe journey home.


Go n-éirí an bóthar libh.




Produced by the Fórsa Communications Unit

Designed, compiled and edited by Niall Shanahan

Communications officer, Fórsa

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