Members' survey: Workplace bullying

Fórsa is encouraging members to complete a short survey to help further our research on bullying in the workplace. Your contribution is entirely voluntary and anonymous and is in strict compliance Fórsa's Data Protection policy. 

This research aims to gain a more comprehensive understanding of members' experiences of bullying in the workplace, or being a witness to same. The survey also sets out to inform policy and procedures when raising such matters with respective employers.  This survey is relevant to all members, including those who have not experienced the above, and will remain open until Friday 27th October 2023. You can access it HERE. 

The results of this research will help to provide objective statistical analysis to help inform our upcoming seminar, "Your Right to Dignity in the Workplace", which will take place on Thursday 16th November 2023. Details on how to attend this seminar will be circulated to branches next week. 

Workplace bullying can be defined as repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work and/or in the course of employment, which could reasonably be regarded as undermining the individual’s right to dignity at work.  

An isolated incident of the behaviour described in this definition may be an affront to dignity at work, but, as a once-off incident, is not considered to be bullying.  A key characteristic of bullying is that it usually takes place over a period of time.  It is regular and persistent inappropriate behaviour, which is specifically targeted at one employee or a group of employees.  It may be perpetrated by someone in a position of authority, be employees against a manager, or by employees in the same grade as the recipient.

This survey may lead to some feelings and thoughts which cause you distress or concern, or make you feel uncomfortable. If so please avail of the below support services:

  • Fórsa’s counseling helpline: 24/7 confidential service at no cost to members1800 776655
  • Samaritans National Helpline 116 123
  • Health Service Authority:
  • Health Service Executive:  1800 444925 email
  • LGBT Helpline Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender 1800 929 539
  • Irish Network against Racism, telephone 01 8897110 and
  • Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, telephone 01 8589601 and
  • Employee Assistance Programme: Please refer to your organisation’s EAP Programme or contact your HR Department for details.


The survey will close on Friday 27th October. Access the survey HERE.


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