by Niall Shanahan

Today's Irish Times leads with news that plans for the reopening of indoor hospitality are expected to go ahead despite the surge in Covid cases.


As international travel reopens, it's reported that Aer Lingus passengers could be hit with substantial charges at the airport for carry-on luggage.


A new study by Ibec has found that In Ireland, a person with a disability is just over half as likely to be employed as a non-disabled peer. Also in industrial relations news, there's a significant gap between unions and employers as both parties head to the Labour Court over pay in the construction sector.


Continuing her excellent series of articles about how the pandemic has changed the way we work, Pillita Clarke looks at remote working and how it can make it easier to identify those contributing less.


The scorching weather is going to be with us for a while, and that means our water supply is going to be in demand, especially in the holiday hot spots around the country.


For your Zen this morning I'll leave you in the capable hands of The Style Council. Wear some sunscreen.





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