Good morning
Today's news is.......................
by Patricia Callinan

In other education news the Minister says the budget is not there for immediate pay restoration for all teachers. Notwithstanding that, in a case referred by the Labour Court, primary teachers are to have their case for equal pay for post-2010 considered by the European Court of Justice. Elsewhere, the Irish Times write that membership of the country’s biggest secondary teachers’ union, ASTI, has fallen to its lowest level in 15 years, according to an internal report. 


The Guardian report on the UK companies reporting the biggest gender pay gaps - all UK companies with more than 250 employees had to report details by midnight Wednesday. Ryanair makes the top list.


You can see what some workers endure in this video of a Great White Shark that interrupts an Australian police operation in one of the country's most renowned shark habitats.


This week is Organ Donor Awareness Week organised by the Irish Kidney Association. If you would like to become a donor, you can freetext the word 'DONOR' to 50050 or permit Code 115 to be included on your driver's licence. For more information, click on the picture above. 


If you're looking for a (very brief, but fun) crash course on countries, states, capitals and national landmarks today's Zen will give you just that, from a three year old boy on the Ellen Degeneres Show.



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