Morning after
by Bernard Harbor
Happy birthday Joe.
Happy birthday Joe.

We highlighted the post-PSSA pay issue in our conference media offering. It got a good airing in the Irish Times and RTÉ, while the Indo led out on our statement on working time and remote work, which was also covered in the Journal and the Examiner.


Michael D's typically uplifting and thoughtful contribution to the conference was picked up by RTÉ, the Independent, the Examiner, and the paper of record


Meanwhile, Fórsa 's Andy Pike was among the education union heads at yet another Oireachtas Covid session yesterday. His contribution features in the Times and the State broadcaster. Our man also sneaked into this teacher-heavy Examiner piece.


The Independent gives wide coverage to the hearing, including this on face coverings for school staff. Andy's hand sanitizers also made Katherine Donnelly's 'what we learned' piece. Here's her analysis of the outing.


Among a glut of Covid news, the Times as this on Tony Holohan's view that the "work at home message" hasn't got through.


And elsewhere, there's glum news for women on equal pay day, while Irish charities mark world children's day.


Have a good weekend.





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