by Róisín McKane

Fórsa’s health and social services workers in voluntary organisations and charities have voted alongside their Siptu and INMO colleagues to overwhelmingly accept a deal struck in the middle of last month which included an 8 per cent pay rise and a commitment by the Government side to work towards a restoration of parity with public sector workers doing similar work.


Both The Indo and The Times cover the upcoming public sector pay talks.


RTÉ reports that around 3,000 school secretaries are due to receive back pay from the Department of Education today, arising from the implementation of a Fórsa negotiated pay agreement which is backdated to September 2021.


Nurses at St John’s Hospital in Limerick have started a work to rule from 8am today in a dispute over staffing levels at the facility.


The Dutch electorate has moved to the right, returning Geert Wilders and his Freedom Party as the largest in the country, according to an exit poll after yesterday’s general election.


And finally, the Minister for Further and Higher Education has announced further details on the cost of education measures first outlined in the Budget. A reduction of €1,000 in undergraduate fees has now been applied to all students' accounts. Read more on that here.


With The Late Late Toy Show just around the corner, the Irish sign language team are making their final preparations and bring us zen. 


Have a good day folks. 


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