Where's the remote?
by Bernard Harbor
The English Revolution ended 360 years ago today, when Charles II returned from Holland to reclaim the throne. It was his birthday, too.
The English Revolution ended 360 years ago today, when Charles II returned from Holland to reclaim the throne. It was his birthday, too.

The meeja struggles to settle on a single coronavirus story this morning, with the two-week quarantine period, the timing of school re-openings,  physical distancing, and the official addition of new symptoms all in the mix.


But most outlets carry the ESRI's latest quarterly commentary. Apparently the economy's suffered an unprecedented shock.


Yet help is at hand: Today's Times reports that, if you're tired of worrying about Covid-19 and its impact, you can go back to fretting about a hard Brexit. I, for one, miss it in the mornings.


The Paper Of Record also carries a prediction that the number of new foreign direct investment projects could fall by 20% this year.


Meanwhile, the Indo reckons parents could be given more cash for childcare if the Three Amigos manage to form a government, though RTÉ reports that many crèches fear they may go bust.


Also, Niall was on Clare FM yesterday, talking about the national carrier's callous notice to Shannon staff. In related news, CityJet has rejected claims that it plans to replace Irish-based pilots with Scandinavian crew.


Over in the Great Satan, Trump's scatter-gun-seizing itchy finger has finally got social media in its sights.


And over in Blighty, the generally-thoughtful Gaby Hinsliff has this thoughtful thought-piece on the possible political ramifications of the week-long Cummings debacle. Try saying that with a couple of West Coast Coolers on you.


It's Whit Monday on Monday. So what better Zen than Philip Larkin reading his own Whitsun Weddings? The best five minutes of the week so far. Yes. Really.


Enjoy the long weekend.




PS. Niall's back on the airwaves later to review the week's news. Tune in to Today FM's Last Word at 4.30 this afternoon.

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