Stolen skulls return
by Róisín McKane


You need a lot of hate in your heart to attack a library, or to destroy books writes Fergus Finlay in The Examiner.


Elsewhere,  Minister for Rural Development Heather Humphreys has condemned the targeting of library staff at recent protests in Cork City Library and Tralee Library, but would not be drawn on whether she would support stronger legislation to tackle such protests. And our own Richy Carrothers spoke to Radio Kerry about the ongoing engagement with Kerry County Council regarding protective measures for library staff. Listen back to that here. 


An increase of more than 12% in the minimum wage for next year, more than twice the predicted rate of inflation for 2023, is to be recommended by the Low Pay Commission. 


A teacher has won €20,000 in compensation after accusing her bosses of "subconscious bias" against her when she applied for a deputy principal role following a dispute over parental leave.


A civic forum between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland would have been “extremely helpful” in Northern Ireland’s preparedness for the Covid pandemic according to ICTU AGS Gerry Murphy.


Workers who are made redundant may be in line for increased social welfare payments under plans Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys will soon bring to Cabinet.


And finally, The Times reports that dozens of retired public service employees earned five-figure sums last year for sitting on interview boards and assessments.




The Spice Girls bring us zen this morning. They made their Top of the Pops debut with Wanabee. 


Have a good day folks. 




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