'Stark Reminder' of climate change
by Mark Corcoran

RTE's Brian O' Donovan has covered the launch of a study entitled "The Future of Public Service Delivery by the Community and Voluntary Sector" which was released by think-thank TASC.The report indicates that there is a need for immediate State funding to charities to prevent the looming collapse of essential public services.


The Mental Health Commission has warned that Health Service Executive mental health services risk being removed from the register of approved centres if they do not improve compliance.The commission has published its annual report for 2022, which includes a report on the inspection of 66 approved in-patient centres.


The EU has agreed radical reforms of its migration and asylum laws including charges of €20,000 (£17,200) per head for member countries that refuse to host refugees.


Former US president Donald Trump has been charged by a federal grand jury over his handling of classified national security documents which were taken to his home in Florida after he left the White House. Mr Trump said on his social media platform on Thursday that he had been summoned to appear in federal court in Miami in Florida next Tuesday.


Complaints about domestic abuse and sexual violence against gardaí have increased in recent years, with the force watchdog saying it expects to focus greater attention on the “phenomenon of the abuse of power for a sexual purpose”.


Ukraine has said that at least one person has been killed during fresh airstrikes by Russia overnight.The Ukrainian military reported shooting down four out of six missiles launched during the attack, which the air force said lasted around six hours, and ten out of 16 drones.



A father has scaled the UK’s highest peak carrying a 100kg barbell to raise money for research into motor neurone disease. David Dooher set off at 7pm on Wednesday, the day he turned 38, from the Ben Nevis inn and reached the 4,406 ft (1,343 metre) summit of Ben Nevis early on Thursday afternoon. You can watch the full video HERE.


Have a good weekend folks!







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