
23 Apr 2024

Local employment service workers set for national protest

An action is to take place outside the Department of the Taoiseach on Monday as part of a national protest organised by local employment service workers.

SIPTU and Fórsa members, working in Local Employment Services (LES) and Job Clubs, have today announced the details of a national day of protest, Monday 6th September.

This summer, SIPTU and Fórsa launched the ‘Our Community is Not for Sale’ campaign to oppose the privatisation of these community services. The campaign has received widespread support indicating that clients and the general public do not support the privatisation of these services.

Community Division Organiser, Adrian Kane, stressed that members will highlight the decision by the Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys, to change the tendering process for the provision for these essential community services. If allowed to proceed this process will result in the full transition of these services to ‘for profit’ providers.

“Phase one of this process has already resulted in job losses and the refusal by the Government to get to grips with this growing crisis which cannot be left unchallenged.

"The reality is that these workers have, very successfully, been providing these essential public services for over 25 years. After all those years of loyal service they have been left with no other option but to take to the streets to fight for their jobs and livelihoods.”

Mr. Kane also flagged that constant calls from SIPTU and Fórsa representatives for an urgent meeting with the Minister have largely been unanswered. "This is not acceptable or sustainable. What is needed now is a genuine stakeholder forum to agree a fair way forward.”

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