At sea
by Róisín McKane

Our own Liz Fay spoke to Claire Byrne yesterday about the harassment our library workers have experienced at the hands of far right agitators. You can listen back to that here. 


The Times reports that a small hardcore group of the far right wasat the centre of the Garda’s investigations into the Dublin riots as detectives try to unearth evidence that would lead to criminal charges against them. Meanwhile, Niall Shanahan spoke with Matt Cooper about Monday’s solidarity vigil, listen back to that here.


The number of people seeking international protection in Ireland accounted for 1.3% of the EU total last year, according to research by the European Migration Network Ireland.


Weaker exports and lower levels of investment will see the Irish economy go into reverse this year for the first time in over a decade, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has warned.


Planners will clear bottlenecks that are stalling home building and other key building projects early next year, according to Darragh O’Brien, Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage.


And finally, RTÉ reports that the WRC is to to probe discrimination claims by Unite trade union official Brendan Ogle. Read more on that here.


George Harrison bring us zen. The Beatle, who passed away 22 years ago today, was arguably one of the most gifted songwriters of his generation. Here's one of my favourites. 


Have a good day folks.









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