Monkey business
by Róisín McKane

The Four Day Week campaign features heavily this morning, with coverage in The Times, The Examiner and other online publications. The campaign has today published the results of a new survey on public attitudes to a four-day working week which reveals a very enthusiastic response to the prospect of a four-day week in Ireland. Our own Joe O'Connor was on Newstalk Breakfast to discuss the results. Make sure to tune in to the Four Day Week public briefing at 11am later this morning. 


Public health experts are today expected to recommend new restrictions for Dublin to limit the spread of coronavirus, as fears grow that infections are heading out of control. Read more on that here. 


A petition calling on TDs to introduce a law which would make online abuse a criminal offence was handed into the Dáil yesterday afternoon. The 'Coco's law' petition aims to address the issues of online abuse, cyberbullying and revenge porn. The new law could see online abuse punished with seven years in prison.


The Government has been accused of failing to legislate to protect workers during a Dáil debate on the Debenhams dispute. Read more on that here.


Trade unions have signalled that they will not co-operate with new HSE proposals that will require all health workers in high-risk areasd to get the flu vaccine this winter. The dispute centres on what unions see as unilateral moves by the HSE to put in place a new system regarding vaccination of healthcare workers.


The Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe has indicated that Government will not make any changes to income tax in next month’s Budget.


The Department of Education has confirmed that 12,292 students have sought rechecks of their calculated Leaving Certificate grades. The appeals are in respect of 33,677 grades.


SIPTU's construction workers have overwhelmingly voted for industrial action in the event that employers fail to pay a 2.7% increase due on the 1st October, 2020. 


Queen bring us our zen this morning with Bicycle Race. This banger is 42 years old this year. 


Have a good day folks. 



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