Maelstrom of Maladies
by Niall Shanahan

The Irish Times' Saturday edition carried the news that Fórsa members at the HSE are to step up their campaign of industrial action from Friday (27th) in a dispute about staffing levels. That's also covered in today's Indo.


In other health news, the Indo today looks at Long Covid, and includes news that the INMO, Siptu and Fórsa have written to the department demanding an extension of the temporary Covid sick leave scheme to “avoid unnecessary stress and anxiety arising from the imminent closure of the scheme.” 


Health funding is the autumn's hottest political potato, as the Business Post editorial warns the current Government could fall on the issue, bringing a general election much closer than anticipated. Ian Guider's column in the same paper fires off in all directions on the sector's multiple maladies, but in the aftermath of Budget 24 the immediate and long-term future of health funding has rarely looked more does the current minister's portfolio.



Among my favourite albums of all time are the Tom Waits' '80s trilogy of SwordfishtrombonesRain Dogs  and Frank's Wild Years. All three have been recently re-mastered and re-released on vinyl in order to lighten the pockets of, well, fellas like me. 


The third part of the trilogy includes the track Yesterday is Here. An arrangement so simple I recently learned to play it on guitar. Your zen offering this morning is the Waits' version (sighs of relief all round).


Have a great week.


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