Fog in Channel
by Bernard Harbor

Needless to say, the papers have plenty more on an election campaign that's largely skirted round the biggest issue of our time.


And, with only one more leaders' debate to go until we vote tomorrow week, the words 'heat,' 'light,' 'hot,' and 'air' recur above this morning's analyses of the latest showdown. The Independent has this assessment of how each combatant did.


The same organ is heavy on health today, with worrying news of an increase in work-related cancers plus a report on the children's minister overruling her department on payments to protesting crèches.


Elsewhere, Irish households are 80% wealthier than in 2013 (mainly because of property values), ICTU is supporting tomorrow's protest by Bord na Mona workers, and the FAI is back in funds.


Oh, and Judge John Hughes knows what to do with the drunken sailor.


Yesterday's Guardian 'long read' by Rashid Khalidi explored how Trump's so-called peace plan will fuel Middle East conflict, while this piece caught my eye earlier in the week. I include it for those in despair about fake news and the declining quality of our media.


It's not really a day for Zen, is it? More a day for a confused auld fella in Doctor Martins and a cardy.


Mind the (Brexit) buses.




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