Swine fever
by Bernard Harbor
André Previn: Notes in the right order. Always
André Previn: Notes in the right order. Always

The National Broadcaster reminds us that the public service new entrants' deal comes into effect this morning, while Cliff Taylor's analysis of pay movements reveals who's on the pig's back and who's not.


Housing department officials have been accused of telling porkies by the Public Accounts Committee, a boarish body with problems of its own.


The Guardian has professor of anti-excellence André Spicer arguing that being good enough should be good enough to get you happy as a piglet in muck.


Elsewhere, there's another storm gadarene around Scouting Ireland, and the authorities fear there's still too much data swilling around Tusla.


It's also reported that the Government will ignore the findings of a voluntary sector review group, which went the whole hog and published its report yesterday.


Turns out it's the USA's National Pig Day today. Cue Zen from the pen with Robert Wyatt.


We'll be back after the weekend.




PS: I think I made a pig's ear of that.

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