RTÉ's Brian O'Donovan focused on the pay talks over the weekend. Read more on that here.
Parents will see monthly childcare costs cut by hundreds of euro under cost-of-living plans being drawn up for the budget.
The Times reports that Government is expected to approve more than 1,000 additional college places this month that aim to take some of the heat out of the CAO points race.
The Times looks at housing supply in this piece, and reports on new proposals set to be considered by the Government which would see small landlords incentivised to charge cheaper rents in return for being taxed less.
Elsewhere, charities have welcomed the government moves on HAP, but have said that the 'broken housing system' needs reform.
The four day week campaign was featured over the weekend, as seventy companies in the UK embark on a six month trial. You can read more on that here and here.
And finally, The Examiner looks at whistleblower policies amid news that the vast majority of private companies in Ireland have no protected disclosure policy in place, despite a new law pending which would make such whistleblower procedures a mandatory requirement.
You can check out more from the front pages here.
Have a good day folks.