Nighthawks at the Diner
by Niall Shanahan

The Irish Examiner reports today that health, carer, and retail staff are among the most exposed to Covid-19, and mentions Fórsa's call to re-prioritise SNAs, which follows extensive coverage over the last couple of days from the Education division conference on Friday, including this report on Friday's SixOne bulletin featuring Andy Pike. Our colleague Shane Lambert will be on KFM this morning to discuss Fórsa's position on vaccines for SNAs and the union's call for changes to the minimum qualifications required for SNAs. 


Elsewhere, IALPA vice-president Joe May writes in the letters page of Saturday's Irish Times that the Government must "provide the necessary supports and plan for recovery for aviation in Ireland before the hard-won gains of the last decade are wiped out forever." In other aviation news, the Business Post reported yesterday on concerns expressed by the Irish Coast Guard about the future of the service if parts of the service are taken over by the defence forces. The current contract with CHC expires in 2023, and the service is due to be put out to tender.


The Irish Times reports today that Cabinet is expected to approve the appointment of Robert Watt to the job of secretary general of the Department of Health in the coming weeks following the conclusion of the recruitment process. 


Finally, a look at what it says in today's papers.




Your Zen this morning tips its hat to the late, great Shay Healy. A journeyman career in music and broadcasting leaves us with what was probably our greatest Eurovision winner, and a brief and glorious period in Irish television when our public service broadcaster loosened the creative reins with the formats. Shay was there for all of it. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a h'anam dílis.


Have a good week, stay safe. Stretch your legs.

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