Stuck in the Suez
by Hazel Gavigan

The Economic and Social Research Institute has revised down its growth forecast for the Irish economy, while warning that unemployment is unlikely to return to pre-pandemic levels until late 2023 “at the earliest”. In its latest economic commentary the think-tank also warned of a significant falloff in house completions this year as a result of the current restrictions on construction, which, it said, would “exacerbate” supply shortages in the market, potentially leading to a further increase in house prices.


In aviation, Aer Lingus has confirmed the launch of its Manchester-based transatlantic services, which will include a route to Barbados. The Irish Times leads with the fact that staff are being asked to relocate from Ireland to the UK for the expanded service. 


According to the European Committee of Social Rights, the human rights of local authority tenants and of Travellers continue to be violated by inadequate housing and housing that is damp, mouldy and rat-infested. 


Elsewhere, the Department of Justice has said there will be no change to the Government’s policy of not allowing gardaí to go on strike.


Meanwhile, military cadets, who are scheduled to be commissioned as officers in the Defence Forces today, will receive an allowance payment of about €800 for their time spent as contact tracers during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Following publication of the Climate Bill by the Government, a series of actions have been triggered to enable the country’s first five-year carbon budget come into force later this year. Three new members of the Climate Change Advisory Council were also recently approved, including ICTU's Patricia King. Congress has also recently sought a 30c rise in the minimum wage which you can catch on our website here.


This article covers the story of Lee, a construction worker who recently made the change to a four-day week and can't ever see himself going back.


Over in New Zealand, a law was recently passed to grant bereavement leave to people who suffer miscarriage or stillbirth, the second country in the world to do so. A similar Bill was recently launched in Ireland, offering leave to people who suffer early miscarriage or need time off for reproductive treatment, including IVF. 


Today marks two internationally recognised days, remembering the victims of slavery and the Transatlantic slave trade and International day of solidarity with detained and missing staff members. 


And finally, today's zen is sweet and simple. Here's a wholesome video where a puppy and a butterfly were captured playing together.


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