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ICTU budget call on Childcare underlines need for more investment

The pre-budget goals set by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions for Childcare are welcome and underline the need for further action in Budget 2019, according to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr Katherine Zappone. Welcoming the publication of the ICTU Pre-Budget Submission ‘Investing in Our Shared Future’ Minister Zappone said:

Since 2016 big steps have been taken to turn one of the most expensive childcare systems in the world into the best. Government investment is up 80%, for the first time ever more than 200,000 child registrations in State supported schemes and the way has been paved with legislation and an IT system for a new Affordable Childcare Scheme in 2019. However I have been clear from the outset that correcting decades of under-investment by successive Government is a huge task and one which will not be achieved in a few budgets. My officials and I are continuing negotiations to ensure Childcare will be a priority in Budget 2019, as it was in 2017 and 2018. The levels of investment which the ICTU set out for the years to come are necessary if we are to achieve the ultimate goal of having a Childcare service which not only meets the international norm but can also deliver for Irish families for generations to come.