by Mark Corcoran

Fórsa has launched a humanitarian appeal to help the people of Ukraine, who’ve been displaced by Russia’s unprovoked attack on their country.The union is appealing to its members and branches to support the brave Ukrainians, who have refused to bend in the face of callous killings, injuries, family separations, hunger, displacement and all the ugly realities of war. To help you can dontae by following the link here.


There was worry last night as Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, Europe's largest nuclear plant, was bombarded by Russian shelling. It is believed that Russia has now captured the plant and extinguished the fire that was raging through the facility. At this moment in time radiation levles remain unchanged.


Also in Zelenskyy's press conference he reiterated his request to put in a no-fly zone to be established over Ukraine. While both Russia and Ukraine agreed to implement a safe corridoors for civilians to evacuate.



Tomorrow (Saturday) The National Women’s Council (NWC) is holding a rally entitled #NoWomanLeftBehind in Dublin outside the Dáil at 12pm to call for political leadership and action. Fórsa has invited all its members to join the rally to demand change this International Women's day.


The headline in this morning's Irish Examiner is that Inflation could rise to 10% with the soaring costs associated with the on-going war in Ukraine.


Ivana Bacik is favourite to become the next leader of the Labour Party after Alan Kelly resigned from his position after his parliamentary party expressed no confidence in his leadership.



On March 27th the 94th Academy Awards (Oscars) will take place. As a film fanatic I thought I'd share the promo advert for the event as it contains some great clips from this year's movies.








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