P-P-P-Pick up a painting
by Bernard Harbor

By 2024, the much-criticised direct provision asylum-seekers' system is to be replaced by a not-for-profit model, with State-owned reception centres. Let's hope so.


An Irish Times editorial on Building Momentum distinguishes between frontline and other public servants. That title also gets the 'headline of the week' prize for this. Astounding news!


Meanwhile, virologists are worried about a new Covid variant discovered in Ireland, and Ronan Glynn says we could be "close to normal" by the end of the year. Speak for yourself.


The Indo leads on a Fianna Fáil back-bench mutiny but, on closer reading, it turns out it's just Ray McSharry again.


Going global, the Guardian has this longish read on how good messaging is behind New Zealand's stand-out Covid response.


Back home, a council official has complained about departmental hold-ups to Dublin City housing programmes.


And you should also know that Mr and Mrs Potato Head are turning gender-neutral.


Fats Domino was born this day in 1928. I can't find a video of him singing my favourite, so here's the also-excellent Blue Monday. That's yer Zen.



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