Today's news
by Hazel Gavigan
The heart of St Laurence O'Toole

After a 'touching' visit to the US (check out this video for a giggle) French president Emmanuel Macron concluded his three-day trip with a stinging rebuke of many of Donald Trump’s policies, daring the US to “make the planet great again” by rejoining the Paris climate agreement.


There's been a series of responses to the Irish Times' editorial blaming public servants for the financial crisis, including comment from our own Bernard Harbor. 


After a Limerick woman was granted a €2.5 million settlement yesterday after her Cancer misdiagnosis, it's emerged doctors treating women who were wrongly given the all-clear from cancer were urged to exercise their “judgment” on whether to tell them about the misdiagnosis.


The DUP has warned Theresa May in a renewed threat it will bring down her government if Northern Ireland is forced to stay inside the EU customs union and single market after Brexit.


The 800-year-old heart of St Laurence O’Toole that was stolen from Christ Church Cathedral in March 2012 has been recovered by gardaí.


The Irish Examiner reports There are 470 asylum seekers who have been granted refugee status in Ireland but who are unable to leave direct provision centres because there is nowhere else for them to go.


Good news in Monaghan this morning as 200 jobs are due to be announced by heavy machinery manufacturer Combilift.


Marvel's latest release, Avengers: Infinity War hits our screens today and has already earned five star ratings with one critic calling it "a supremely entertaining showdown." Apparently the second most expensive film to ever be made, with a 9.3/10 rating on imdb it seems worthy of a trip to the cinema. Your Zen today is the official trailer. 


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