Dublin could be heaven
by Hannah Deasy



A new traffic plan for Dublin imagines a transformed city centre, the draft Dublin City Centre Transport Plan was launched yesterday. As ever plans to reduce car congestion divide opinion.  


Our members in local authorities will escalate their industrial action next week, you can read coverage of that on RTE, in The Irish Times and across regional papers including the Mayo News, and Drogheda Life.


The ECB's announcement yesterday of the tenth interest rate hike in a year is covered widely. As a result of the decision base rates have never been higher in the euro's history. The ECB also raised its forecast for inflation in 2023 to 5.6% and to 3.2 % in 2024. Reporting on the move The Irish Times leads today with the impact on Irish homeowners and first time buyers. 



The week of political party ‘think ins’ wraps up with Sinn Fein, the Green Party and Fine Gael all meet today. Leaders of all three parties were interviewed on Morning Ireland earlier, listen back here. 


Yesterday Labour called for childcare costs to be capped at 200euro per month, while the Social Democrats pledged not to cut the USC.


Pascal Donohoe uses an interview with the Inside Politics podcast to reiterate his commitment to fiscal prudence and to maintaining the budget surplus. 


And finally, in case you missed it, a massive hole on Portmarnock beach caused quite a stir




Have a good day everyone, despite the dismal rain.





Dublin can be heaven

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