Locking Horns
by Mehak Dugal

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) yesterday published advice for Special Needs Assistants (SNAs) working in schools on how to protect against Covid-19 transmission. The advice had previously been requested by Fórsa ahead of the 2020/21 school term and falls in line with the union’s guidance on the use of face masks, and other measures which was issued to members in advance of schools opening in August.


Minister for Justice Helen McEntee yesterday confirmed there will be no additional powers for gardaí to enforce Level 3 restrictions which were introduced countrywide from midnight for three weeks. But Ms McEntee said gardaí still had the power to prosecute organisers of indoor or outdoor gatherings in excess of the limits.

The Times has a good piece on the implications of the government’s decision to depart from NPHET’s advice. You can read that here.

A nursing home in Laois has confirmed it is currently dealing with an outbreak of Covid-19, with 31 confirmed cases, ten of which are staff members.

The national minimum wage is set to rise by 10c from 1 January 2021, after the government approved the rise to €10.20 an hour.

A European Trade Union Confederation report has claimed that Ireland may never be able to close the gap in pay between men and women if the country’s wage disparity is not tackled directly, as the study shows gap continues to grow every-day.


The secondary teachers’ union, ASTI, is asking members if they are prepared to take action, up to strike, if a range of Covid-related measures and an end to two-tier pay scales are not in place by October 30. Among their demands are the free provision of high-grade, N95, masks for students and teachers, stricter social distancing rules in schools, routine Covid testing and equal pay for post-2010 teachers.


SIPTU has formally commenced a ballot for industrial action, up to and including strikes, with the process expected to be concluded in a fortnight’s time. It follows a meeting between SIPTU representatives and Shannon Airport Management yesterday, during which the company outlined that it’s not in a position to withdraw a 20% pay cut for employees.

State's pension scheme for public servants is 'more sustainable' according to an expenditure review issued by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform yesterday. The review also describes the introduction of the state's Single Scheme for public servants' pensions as "arguably the most fundamental reform to date" which is set to put the state pension bill on a sustainable footing.


Our zen today pays respects to the legendary guitarist who founded Van Halen, Eddie Van Halen, who sadly passed away yesterday. Eddie's solo on Michael Jackson's 1983 hit Beat It is also considered one of the greatest guitar solos of all time.

Here’s one of Van Halen's greatest hits. Enjoy!


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