Pay, Prices, Pride and Paul
by Bernard Harbor

It's a pity the Business Post has a pay wall as it carried an excellent piece on workplace menstrual health by our own Mehak Dugal yesterday. Uniquely, that title also picked up ICTU's Friday statement on protections for local authority staff who transfer to Irish Water. I can send you hard copies if you want them.


The Irish Times had this on public service pay talks and restoration for high earners on Saturday, and the Sunday Times carried a pay-walled editorial in favour of the latter yesterday. The Business Post also carried news that the Government's hanging tough on public service pay. Again, I have hard copies of those two if you're interested.


In aviation, Aer Lingus cancelled a number of flights yesterday, Ryanair's continental cabin crew strikes are spreading, and talks between unions and the Daa are scheduled for later this week.


Elsewhere, Pride, Paul McCartney and Mick Lynch were everywhere over the weekend, the HSE is struggling to recruit disability service staff, and the UK Labour Party is having another tiff with the trade unions.


If she hadn't died in 1940, the Russian-Canadian anarchist Emma Goldman would be celebrating her birthday today. A great excuse to Zen-out with one of my favourite scenes from Warren Beatty's 1981 epic movie Reds (if you haven't seen it, your life is incomplete). Featuring Maureen Stapleton as 'EG'.


Have a good week.



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