Safe Home
by Niall Shanahan

The Government expects to begin using the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine as early as next week, and NIAC is to consider the possibility of extending the period between the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which would enable more first shots to be given.  


The Irish Times reports that a Department of Health review has rejected claims made recently in an RTÉ investigation that it had compiled secret dossiers on children with autism who are suing the State, while an Oireachtas committee has heard that social class is a key factor behind the reluctance of schools in wealthy areas to enrol students with special needs. 


The Climate Action Bill, which aims to reduce emissions by 51%, was debated in the Dáil yesterday, while the rural independent TDs, and some of the Dáil's wealthiest landlords, reverted to type throughout.


In Italy's Puglia region, a hospital worker is reported to have skipped work for 15 years while continuing to draw his salary. Finally, have a listen to what it says in today's papers.


Your Zen this morning comes from one of the great New Town combos. Basildon's finest, Depeche Mode. Visuals by the master himself, Netherlands photographer/filmmaker Anton Corbijn. Presented with the challenge of creating a video for this tune he replied simply "A king with a deck chair." Does exactly what it says on the tin.


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