Cheetah cheetah
by Róisín McKane

Thousands of additional public servants are required because the growth in the size of the economy has not been matched by an increase in the size of the State, according to Minister for Environment and Transport Eamon Ryan.


Our own Niall Shanahan spoke to Newstalk about the lack of staff in Dublin Airport.


A HSE temp worker who said she was forced out of the job by the behaviour of a manager who sent her work-related texts while she was out sick, as late as 2.48am on a Saturday morning, has won her constructive dismissal claim. Read more on that here.


Over half of radiation therapists in Ireland do not see themselves in the profession in five years' time and they are “worried” about growing radiation waiting lists, a survey carried out by Siptu has found.


The Times reports on a new review, which found that half of the counties in the Republic have fewer than 10 GP contracts for the provision of abortion services while nine counties have fewer than five GPs providing abortion care.


A complaint involving jobs platform Indeed has been made to the Labour Court by the Financial Services Union following the conclusion of the firm's 30-day consultation period with laid-off staff members.


The current level of chronic overcrowding in the prisons is putting the lives and welfare of inmates and officers at risk according to the Prison Officers Association.


And finally, a report by economists at the Central Bank has found the 20% of mortgage borrowers most exposed to interest rate increases could face higher repayments of between 41% and 50% due to interest rates hikes.





It's the Queen's birthday today. Here's some Lizzo 



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