Lock-down wind-down
by Bernard Harbor
It's world refrigeration day.
It's world refrigeration day.

Fórsa achieved a big breakthrough on Covid-19 safety measures yesterday, as the education department published new guidelines for the schools' summer programme.


That was picked up by RTÉ, while the Examiner drives the message that transport constraints may keep kids away.


The cabinet approved next Monday's move to phase three of the lock-down wind-down yesterday, but the Times reports that workers who've received coronavirus income supports could be in line for fairly hefty tax bills.


While we're on the subject, Fórsa updated its advice on returning to work earlier this week. Oh, and the latest set of ebulletins landed in over 60,000 in-boxes this morning (we'll be sending all the links via WhatsApp shortly).


Elsewhere, Connect is to ballot 20,000 members on foot of this week's High Court ruling, which struck out wage protections in the contracting and construction sectors. Meanwhile, Labour is proposing new legislation to protect the agreements


The Digest congratulates all our Liverpool-supporting readers on The Reds' Premiership title win yesterday evening. A long wait, a long season, and a long live stream of reaction from the Guardian, which should keep you smiling this morning. Well deserved.


I've been reading a lot of poetry of late, and came across a fantastic young poet called Victoria Adukwei Bulley last week. This is Zen, but it's not about Parakeets. 


Mind the buses.



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