It's news time
Latest members' fortnightly ebulletins enclosed
by Bernard Harbor

Friends and colleagues,


There's a bit of silly season creeping in already, with cracks in our hard news edifice emerging as the sun brightens up. So don't forget to call us if there's something in your patch that others should know about. All leads gratefully received.


That said, we've a breaking story from Roscommon in the local authority bulletin, trouble brewing in the Health & Welfare DEC as we speak, and a  Dublin first for Europe as Ryanair cabin crew reps prepare to meet in Nerney's Court.


Meanwhile, our education bulletin majors on the contents of the recent SNA review, and there's stuff on pay and pensions throughout.


Here's the full set of members' ebulletins:

  1. Local government & municipal employees
  2. Services & enterprises
  3. Health & welfare
  4. Education
  5. Civil service

More news in a fortnight.



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