From deep in the heart of the Kingdom
...straight into your inbox
by Niall Shanahan

Division chair Niall McGuirk addressed the issue of working hours in his address to conference yesterday, which was reported by RTE and the Irish Times, while the Irish Examiner's editorial is having none of it.


Having picked up the discussion on Pat Kenny's radio programme yesterday, The Sun reports and invites Deeter to comment.  I think he's looking to occupy the gap in the market left behind by Eddie Hobbs, but with an added dash of McGregor posturing. Watch this space.


Elsewhere, the Irish Times and Examiner report the difficulties highlighted by the union of recruitment and retention in the civil service, and 'Epidemic of over-payments to civil servants due to errors in centralised pay system' is the headline above the Irish Times report on the debate on PeoplePoint at yesterday's conference.


News came through to conference yesterday that former ITGWU and SIPTU president John Carroll had died. Paying tribute to him yesterday,  SIPTU general secretary, Joe O’Flynn said "John was a giant in the trade union movement and a household name and was hugely instrumental in bringing together the ITGWU and the Federated Workers Union of Ireland to form SIPTU in 1990."


In other news it's reported that the European Union has rejected British proposals for avoiding a hard border in Northern Ireland, while support for repealing the 8th amendment maintains a strong lead in the latest poll.


Your moment of Zen this morning comes from our colleague Shane Lambert. Shane is encouraging support for this initiative for children in Syria:


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