The magic number
by Bernard Harbor

It's Friday, and if you're sick of working five days a week, you might be interested in a UK Labour Party-commissioned report, published yesterday.


Back home, Fórsa wants a meeting with Aer Lingus following the airline's announcement that it's axing flights from Belfast.


Meanwhile, the Indo reports that most Government departments employ unpaid interns, the HSE has bagged an international award for its action on sepsis, and Douglas library is in a bad way.


Needless to say, there's plenty more on Brexit. Over here, the focus shifts from Dover to Dublin port; over there, we have a House of Commons speaker offering a bunch of fives to any law-ignoring Government. Whatever next?


The fifth circle of hell is apparently reserved for the wrathful and sullen, placing it among the many levels in Dante's Inferno that might eventually open up for Trump following his latest lash-out - this time at the European Central Bank. Its decision to cut its base rate to a record-low -0.5% yesterday provoked fears of a long-term slump in EU growth and inflation.


Speaking of politicians (Trump, remember?) An Taoiseach must be getting his five-a-day if he's fit to announce a general election eight months in advance.


Finally, this tune has been running round my head for nearly a fortnight, so I thought I'd share via the medium of Zen.


Let's hope the weekend goes well.



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