Booked up
by Hazel Gavigan

Fórsa has welcomed Government plans to expand the school completion programme, which helps students to complete their education to leaving cert or equivalent level, as education minister Norma Foley recently announced a 5% increase in funding for the scheme.


In aviation, Cork Airport is facing an extended closure later this year to facilitate a major runway reconstruction project. The airport is expected to close to all fixed-wing aircraft operations for several weeks during the works, which it is hoped will be complete by the end of the year.


The Independent examines the drawbacks of working from home in this piece and speculates that many people will return full time to the office once it's safe to do so.


According to the Examiner, three hundred extra training places for doctors created at the start of the pandemic look set to be cancelled, leaving Irish hospitals even more short-staffed.


Meanwhile, housing minister Darragh O'Brien has accused Sinn Féin of “Trump-style hysteria” after the shared equity scheme in his Affordable Housing Bill was compared to being “like crack cocaine”.


And finally, today's zen is a long thread dedicated to highlighting how cartoons served to educate us in the art of classical music. An enjoyable scroll with many 'you'll know it when you hear it' moments. 


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