Launching Fórsa Members’ National Awards

Dear Member,

This year we are launching the inaugural Fórsa Members’ National Awards. We are proud of the contributions our members make to the strength and vitality of the union. These awards will recognise and celebrate that hard work, and the dedication and achievements of our members and branches.


The award categories are: 


•    Organising award 
•    Delivering for members award 
•    Campaigning award 
•    Recruitment award 
•    Community champion award 
•    Branch effectiveness award 
•    Outstanding pandemic response champion 


Applications are now open. Branch Executive Committees have until Thursday 2nd May to nominate members. So, if you know someone who fits the bill now is your chance to get in contact with your Branch Executive and put their name forward!

If you have any questions you can send them to 


Winners will receive their awards at a ceremony during this year’s Biennial Conference in Killarney 15th-17th May.


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