Friday's round-up
by Mehak Dugal

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has advised people that it is “too soon” to be booking flights to come home to Ireland this Christmas. Varadkar’s comments come as new regulations regarding incoming travellers are due to come into effect later this month that could limit the number of days people have to restrict their movements subject to a negative Covid-19 test.

Chief medical officer Dr Tony Holohan also echoed the advice that Irish people living abroad should not plan to travel home for Christmas due to the risk of importing Covid-19, adding that Christmas visits home will be regarded as non-essential travel.


Fórsa yesterday told the The Oireachtas transport committee that private companies are charging upwards of €150 for a test which will stunt recovery in the aviation sector and will have a knock-on impact on the economy overall. “With a cost per passenger starting at €149 per test, this may inhibit any real progress, as it presents a significant cost barrier to people weighing up their travel plans,” Matt Staunton told the committee. The Examiner and The Times have reported on it here and here.


An Bord Pleanála has approved a 32-km Ring of Kerry greenway on a disused railway line between Glenbeigh and Renard. However, the accompanying approval for the compulsory purchase by Kerry County Council of more than 220 land-holdings across 27 townlands has led to a note of caution from the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA). More on that here.


Lockdown restrictions on hospitality businesses in Northern Ireland will be extended for one week after a lengthy political wrangle exposed Stormont divisions. Hair and beauty salons and premises without an alcohol licence like cafes and coffee shops can reopen next Friday, with restricted hours, while restaurants, pubs and hotels can lift shutters on 27 November.


Lastly, SuperValu's newest Christmas Advert which has been doing the rounds on Instagram and Facebook serves as our zen today, with its emotive, 2020-themed twist. Enjoy!


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