by Bernard Harbor

The Covid-19-related turmoil in financial markets would surely have dominated the front pages were it not for the sweeping shut-down announced yesterday by An Taoiseach, apparently without Cabinet approval. The Indo reckons schools will be closed for at least five weeks.


Fórsa's officers meet in Dublin to decide next steps this morning. Meanwhile, the union put out information for education workers and staff in cultural institutions yesterday.


Health unions conference-called with HSE management last night, with childcare arrangements for essential staff top of the agenda. We'll have a report on the website shortly, along with a local government update.


Please let us know if you encounter significant developments on the IR or health and safety fronts.


Elsewhere, Fórsa is to meet a number of airlines today following what's been called the most expensive speech in history (thanks, Mr President). Expect more bad news.


And The Guardian has a good global summary of coronavirus developments.


No Zen today, I'm afraid. Keep safe.



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