War torn
by Bernard Harbor

Fórsa is recommending acceptance of a Labour Court recommendation that addresses most (but not all) aspects of the union's long-running school secretaries' claim. Credit to all in the branch and division who've spent years achieving an outcome well worthy of putting to ballot. That story broke late yesterday afternoon and got totally squeezed by the unfolding drama in eastern Europe.


Earlier in the day, we managed to grab some digital coverage of the launch of Fórsa's post-pandemic state report, which was picked up by the Indo, Times, Examiner and RTÉ.


Meanwhile, health minister Stephen Donnelly has plans to tackle health service waiting lists


Elsewhere, the number of industrial disputes fell last year, a lot of Dublin councillors are concerned about the proposed location of the new maternity hospital, and a  Labour Party poll on flexible working shows that over 70% think employees should have a right to remote working, as more employers offer the option.


Zen? It's The Ukrainians.





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