Public Service Agreement: Letter to members


Dear members,


I am writing to you ahead of the ballot on the proposed Public Service Agreement 2024-2026. As you know the NEC met on 30th January and unanimously agreed to recommend acceptance of the agreement. 


To inform your reflection on the agreement I have written a letter to all Fórsa members. You can read it here

In the letter I provide a review of how the proposed agreement meets the priority objectives the union side had going into the negotiations. In short, this agreement has the potential to restore living standards for workers after a period of high inflation. For lower paid workers the agreement should mean significant gains in ‘real wages’. Through the local bargaining clause there will be opportunities for direct negotiation on grades, groups and categories. The normalisation of industrial relations will be facilitated by the repeal of FEMPI and a simplified dispute resolution process, with clearer roles for the WRC and the Labour Court. 


You can also consult the Fórsa FAQ here, a ‘plain English’ guide here, and an explainer on the local bargaining clause here.


Workplace information meetings are now taking place. We will also host national online meetings at which I will be speaking, along with heads of division. These meetings will give you an opportunity to ask any questions you have.


The online national meeting for Services and Enterprises members will take place on Monday 19th February at 1pm. You can register to attend it here


It is now over to you. The ballot will open next Monday 19th February and run until 12pm on Friday 15th March.


Please exercise your right to vote. It’s a simple and quick process. By participating you send a message that you are care about pay and all the matters covered by the agreement. Your participation in the ballot strengthens our bargaining power in the future.


Your sincerely,

Kevin Callinan 

General Secretary 


There’s never been a better time to join a union, and it’s never been easier. Join Fórsa today.


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