Indeed, calm down everyone. There really is no need to panic.
I have it on good authority that Billy has carefully preserved (if not tidied) his decades-dusty files on T&S and pensions, which can now be found in the wardrobe in Ryan McKinney's new office.
There's also some expert advice on how to handle those delicate conference motions, which gives heft to my hunch that there's really not THAT much to this SOC business. No, definitely no need to panic.
Otherwise, hours of frenzied activity have cleared the detritus of a long, productive and honourable working life in the civil service, in the union and on the bicycle.
No red book is big enough to contain this man's many career highlights. But allow me to mention my personal favourite: Billy's hasty organisation of the December 2009 PSC pay cuts press conference in the basement of 79 Merrion Square.
So, today's Digest takes the form of a very fond farewell to our respected, much-loved and truly irreplaceable colleague: Billy Hannigan, a friend of the members and a wise and generous comrade in bad times and good. We'll miss your cool counsel almost as much as your not-so-cool bursts of exasperation.
All your Fórsa friends wish you well-deserved luck, happiness, health, fulfillment and fun for many, many years to come. And we look forward to lots of future meetings in Bleeker Street and elsewhere.
Some D-Day advice to Billy: Don't be a hero. As for the rest of you: Don't panic!