by Mark Corcoran

The head of Fórsa’s Health and Welfare division, Ashley Connolly, announced that the union has informed the HSE that it is officially in a trade dispute over the outsourcing of recruitment services. Addressing delegates at conference she said the union takes the matter of outsourcing extremely seriously: “We will not tolerate the privatisation of our members core work. We will not allow recruitment agencies to come in and take the work of our members, work that should go to direct employees." You can read Fórsa's full release HERE.The Irish Times covered the announcement HERE.


RTE reports that the Health Service Executive has said it cannot fulfil a proposal from Minister of State for Disability Anne Rabbitte to use agency staff to reopen ten respite beds for children with disabilities in Co Cork, because the agency staff are not available to do so.


The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) has called for the national minimum wage to be increased in January 2024 by €2, making the hourly rate €13.30.


The Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and the Oireachtas Women’s Caucus have endorsed the campaign to name the new National Children’s Hospital after the pioneering doctor and champion of social justice, Dr Kathleen Lynn .


DUBLIN Airport boss Kenny Jacobs says security waits can be slashed as low as 15 minutes – but only if airport charges are hiked. Mr Jacobs, who took over as chief executive of the Daa in January this year, spoke to Independent.ie about the challenges and opportunities facing the airport this summer.




Tributes have been pouring in for Tina Turner, one of the biggest recording artists of all time, who has died at the age of 83. She died peacefully after a long illness in her home in Küsnacht near Zurich, Switzerland.


Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It (Official Music Video)



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