Moving house

Registrations are still ongoing for a mental health webinar for members which will focus on building resilience. The virtual event takes place between 1.00pm and 2.00pm tomorrow, and it won’t be recorded so the event will not be available to watch back at a later stage. More on that here.


Notice of “rolling 24-hour stoppages” by State sea fisheries inspectors was suspended last night as a dispute between staff and management was referred to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). Fórsa confirmed that it has accepted an invitation to participate in a WRC hearing on Friday, and will suspend “proposed action as a result”. More on that here.

IMO public health specialists will begin an intense round of negotiations with the Department of Health this week aimed at resolving the long-running dispute over their lack of consultant status and resourcing. Talks will get underway tomorrow between both sides following a failure by Government to deliver on promised reforms for the profession.

Banks are being called on to be consistent in how they deal with mortgage applicants whose employers are using the State wage subsidy scheme. An increasing number of house hunters have reported banks pulling the plug on their mortgage application just as they are about to sign documents to buy the home. The banks are reneging on offers even though the applicants are not in receipt of the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS), but because their employer is availing of the scheme.

Employers’ group Ibec is calling for a major overhaul of the State’s National Development Plan (NDP) and an additional €70 billion in spending on key infrastructural projects. It also called for the acceleration of key projects such as the Dart expansion plan and the Metro North transport projects in Dublin, where transport congestion is particularly bad.

Fairtrade Fortnight, which runs from 22 February to 7 March 2021, is also in play this week. The annual campaign that raises awareness of the Fair trade movement and its role in making sure small-scale producers and workers are paid a fair wage, has focused its attention on cocoa this year. So if you’re in the mood for a coffee or some chocolate, here’s a list of Irish participants for the enthusiasts of the cause.

There’s only one way to wrap things up this morning and it’s with Ireland’s new First Dog, as it was confirmed that President Michael D Higgins has a new puppy, named Misneach. 


And finally, today’s zen is Elton John’s 'Rocket Man' released on this day in 1972. Inspired by the short story of the same name in The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury, the iconic single turns 49 years old today. Enjoy!

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