"We did it Joe"
by Niall Shanahan

As you'll be aware Fórsa said last week that the union is seeking urgent HSE measures to address the growth in covid infections among health staff as the number rose to over 9,225 at the start of last month. Our own Catherine Keogh spoke about the issue on Kfm on Friday afternoon. Listen back to Catherine on Kildare Focus (from 16:48).


Elsewhere in Fórsa news, the union is to ballot clerical and administrative grades inTusla following the agency’s scrapping of an agreed job evaluation scheme. The union has also referred the matter to the WRC, and the union has also raised concerns that more workers than necessary are being required to attend workplaces since the entire country entered level five.


The Business Post reports that the state may subsidise key international air routes amid connectivity fears (paywalled), and that the government is also looking at support measures for regional airports so that they are in a position to support the economy when air travel recovers. As of today the state is part of the EU traffic-light system for international travel which refers to regions rather than individual countries. Aviation unions, including Fórsa, are to address the Oireachtas Covid committee on Thursday (12th).


Your moment of Zen is a collection of tweets that, for me at least, captures some of the experience of the last few days:

  1. RTE is very pleased that this clip marking Joe Biden's election has gone viral. 10m views and counting.
  2. "We did it Joe"
  3. Van Jones responding live as the network became the first to call the election for Biden/Harris
  4. A report from Fox news that may well have marked the moment we learned that even the Murdoch news machine had decided it was time for Trump to go
  5. The reaction from the streets of Manhattan on Saturday morning as the election was called
  6. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney with some advice for the outgoing US president
  7. And this clip of Eddie S. Glaude Jr - shared by US Representative,NY-14 (Bronx & Queens), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - reminds us that this isn't over
  8. Finally, if you have a friend who became an expert on the county-by-county voting pattern of every swing state (let's face it, we all have at least one of those now), this is for them.

Have a great week in (I hope) a better world.




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