Public Sector Pay agreement reached - A message from the General Secretary
by Kevin Callinan

Dear members,


A new public sector pay agreement has been negotiated. I am writing to you this afternoon to share details of the agreement with you, and to share with you that it is my strong view this agreement represents the absolute maximum achievable, at the outcome of a challenging negotiations process.


We had a clear set of priorities going into these talks: that any new agreement would bridge the gap between wages and the rising cost of living, that it would give more to the lowest earners, and that it would contain provisions to allow for the normalisation of industrial relations.


The pay terms of the new agreement are valued at 10.25% over 2.5 years.


The improvements in the pay adjustments due in 2024 – valued at 4.25% for the year – would mean that public service workers would receive more money in the first year than originally envisaged in the Government’s initial pay offer, providing a noticeable difference in pay this year at a time when workers are still feeling the impact of three consecutive years of inflation.


The pay provisions in 2025 will deliver more for lower paid workers. This was a key priority for the union side from the outset of these negotiations. The breakdown of the pay adjustments can be seen here. The full agreement can be read here.


In addition to the pay measures the agreement also provides for the implementation of a number of outstanding Labour Court recommendations, as well as provisions for local bargaining.


Local bargaining terms included in the agreement would allow trade unions to negotiate up to a maximum of 3%, inclusive of allowances, for particular grades, groups or categories of employee.


Detailed arrangements for local bargaining are to be agreed by the 30th of June this year, with local negotiations to take place between July 2024 and June 2025, and agreements secured, to the greatest extent possible, through direct negotiations.


The affiliate unions have now been asked to consider the terms of the deal and begin the process of organising ballots of union members, with a balloting period to extend until Monday 25th March, in order to provide adequate time for all unions to consider the terms of the new agreement and to ballot their members.


The Fórsa National Executive Committee will meet early next week to review the agreement and decide on next steps. We will write to you again after that meeting.


Thank you for everything that you do,


Kevin Callinan

Fórsa General Secretary
PSC Chair


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