Friday's round-up
by Mehak Dugal

The Government has launched a new framework that will enable public buildings to easily purchase period products and no-cost vending machines. It allows public sector bodies to easily purchase them for use in public offices, buildings and facilities. The framework agreement also includes a number of sustainability elements, with re-usable and more sustainable disposable product options included in the range of period products available to order. More on that here.

The gap between the country’s most disadvantaged areas and the national average has increased across communities in the country, hinting that Ireland is becoming more unequal, a new report has found.

The US secretary of state, Antony Blinken is today expected to urge the Israeli government to agree to pauses to the fighting in Gaza, according to the White House. White House national security spokesman John Kirby said the US was not advocating for a general ceasefire but a “temporary, localised” pause.

Back here, GPs in Donegal are concerned that patients in the region with melanoma, a highly time sensitive skin cancer, will “suffer poorer outcomes” as a result of Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) losing its dermatology service. The service has collapsed following the retirement of a senior dermatologist at the Co. Donegal hospital.

And the Beta Festival opened today for the first time and will run until 5th November. Beta’s website describes the event as “a new festival of art and technology critically engaging with the impact of emerging technologies on society. Take a look here.

The most wonderful time of the year is officially upon us, according to Mariah Carey!

Keeping up her annual 1st of November tradition, the singer kicked off the count-down to Christmas and declared, “It’s…… TIME!!!” as she shared a video of herself being defrosted for the festive season.

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